Friday, November 29, 2019

Minority Group and Multiculturalism free essay sample

This research was commissioned by the Transatlantic Council on Migration, an initiative of the Migration Policy Institute (MPI), for its seventh plenary meeting, held November 2011 in Berlin. The meeting’s theme was â€Å"National Identity, Immigration, and Social Cohesion: (Re)building Community in an Ever-Globalizing World† and this paper was one of the reports that informed the Council’s discussions. The Council, an MPI initiative undertaken in cooperation with its policy partner the Bertelsmann Stiftung, is a unique deliberative body that examines vital policy issues and informs migration policymaking processes in North America and Europe. The Council’s work is generously supported by the following foundations and governments: Carnegie Corporation of New York, Open Society Foundations, Bertelsmann Stiftung, the Barrow Cadbury Trust (UK Policy Partner), the Luso-American Development Foundation, the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, and the governments of Germany, the Netherlands, Norway, and Sweden. For more on the Transatlantic Council on Migration, please visit: www. We will write a custom essay sample on Minority Group and Multiculturalism or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page migrationpolicy. org/transatlantic.  © 2012 Migration Policy Institute. All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission from the Migration Policy Institute. A full-text PDF of this document is available for free download from www. migrationpolicy. org. Permission for reproducing excerpts from this report should be directed to: Permissions Department, Migration Policy Institute, 1400 16th Street, NW, Suite 300, Washington, DC 20036, or by contacting [emailprotected] org. Suggested citation: Kymlicka, Will. 2012. Multiculturalism: Success, Failure, and the Future. Washington, DC: Migration Policy Institute. Table of Contents Executive Summary. 1 I. Introduction.. 2 The Rise and Fall of Multiculturalism. 3 . II. What Is Multiculturalism?.. 4 A. Misleading Model. 4 . B. Multiculturalism in Context 5 . C. The Evolution of Multiculturalism Policies.. 7 III. Multiculturalism in Practice. 10 A. The Canadian Success Story 10 B. The European Experience. 13 . IV. The Retreat from Multiculturalism.. 14 A. Rhetoric versus Reality .. 14 B. Proliferation of Civic Integration Policies. 15 . V. Conclusion:The Future of Multicultural Citizenship. 21 Appendices 26 Works Cited 28 About the Author.. 32 MIGRATION POLICY INSTITUTE Executive Summary Ideas about the legal and political accommodation of ethnic diversity — commonly termed â€Å"multiculturalism† — emerged in the West as a vehicle for replacing older forms of ethnic and racial hierarchy with new relations of democratic citizenship. Despite substantial evidence that these policies are making progress toward that goal, a chorus of political leaders has declared them a failure and heralded the death of multiculturalism. This popular master narrative is problematic because it mischaracterizes the nature of the experiments in multiculturalism that have been undertaken, exaggerates the extent to which they have been abandoned, and misidentifies not only the genuine difficulties and limitations they have encountered but the options for addressing these problems. Talk about the retreat from multiculturalism has obscured the fact that a form of multicultural integration remains a live option for Western democracies. This report challenges four powerful myths about multiculturalism. First, it disputes the caricature of multiculturalism as the uncritical celebration of diversity at the expense of addressing grave societal problems such as unemployment and social isolation. Instead it offers an account of multiculturalism as the pursuit of new relations of democratic citizenship, inspired and constrained by human-rights ideals. Second, it contests the idea that multiculturalism has been in wholesale retreat, and offers instead evidence that multiculturalism policies (MCPs) have persisted, and have even grown stronger, over the past ten years. Third, it challenges the idea that multiculturalism has failed, and offers instead evidence that MCPs have had positive effects. Fourth, it disputes the idea that the spread of civic integration policies has displaced multiculturalism or rendered it obsolete. The report instead offers evidence that MCPs are fully consistent with certain forms of civic integration policies, and that indeed the combination of multiculturalism with an â€Å"enabling† form of civic integration is both normatively desirable and empirically effective in at least some cases. To help address these issues, this paper draws upon the Multiculturalism Policy Index. This index 1) identifies eight concrete policy areas where liberal-democratic states — faced with a choice — decided to develop more multicultural forms of citizenship in relation to immigrant groups and 2) measures the extent to which countries have espoused some or all of these policies over time. While there have been some high-profile cases of retreat from MCPs, such as the Netherlands, the general pattern from 1980 to 2010 has been one of modest strengthening. Ironically, some countries that have been vociferous about multiculturalism’s â€Å"failure† (e. g. , Germany) have not actually practiced an active multicultural strategy. Talk about the retreat from multiculturalism has obscured the fact that a form of multicultural integration remains a live option for Western democracies. However, not all attempts to adopt new models of multicultural citizenship have taken root or succeeded in achieving their intended effects. There are several factors that can either facilitate or impede the successful implementation of multiculturalism: Multiculturalism: Success, Failure, and the Future 1 MIGRATION POLICY INSTITUTE Desecuritization of ethnic relations. Multiculturalism works best if relations between the state and minorities are seen as an issue of social policy, not as an issue of state security. If the state perceives immigrants to be a security threat (such as Arabs and Muslims after 9/11), support for multiculturalism will drop and the space for minorities to even voice multicultural claims will diminish. Human rights. Support for multiculturalism rests on the assumption that there is a shared commitment to human rights across ethnic and religious lines. If states perceive certain groups as unable or unwilling to respect human-rights norms, they are unlikely to accord them multicultural rights or resources. Much of the backlash against multiculturalism is fundamentally driven by anxieties about Muslims, in particular, and their perceived unwillingness to embrace liberal-democratic norms. Border control. Multiculturalism is more controversial when citizens fear they lack control over their borders — for instance when countries are faced with large numbers (or unexpected surges) of unauthorized immigrants or asylum seekers — than when citizens feel the borders are secure. Diversity of immigrant groups. Multiculturalism works best when it is genuinely multicultural — that is, when immigrants come from many source countries rather than coming overwhelmingly from just one (which is more likely to lead to polarized relations with the majority). Economic contributions. Support for multiculturalism depends on the perception that immigrants are holding up their end of the bargain and making a good-faith effort to contribute to society — particularly economically. When these facilitating conditions are present, multiculturalism can be seen as a low-risk option, and indeed seems to have worked well in such cases. Multiculturalism tends to lose support in high-risk situations where immigrants are seen as predominantly illegal, as potential carriers of illiberal practices or movements, or as net burdens on the welfare state. However, one could argue that rejecting immigrant multiculturalism under these circumstances is in fact the higher-risk move. It is precisely when immigrants are perceived as illegitimate, illiberal, and burdensome that multiculturalism may be most needed. I. Introduction Ideas about the legal and political accommodation of ethnic diversity have been in a state of flux around the world for the past 40 years. One hears much about the â€Å"rise and fall of multiculturalism. † Indeed, this has become a kind of master narrative, widely invoked by scholars, journalists, and policymakers alike to explain the evolution of contemporary debates about diversity. Although people disagree about what comes after multiculturalism, there is a surprising consensus that we are in a post-multicultural era. This report contends that this master narrative obscures as much as it reveals, and that we need an alternative framework for thinking about the choices we face. Multiculturalism’s successes and failures, as well as its level of public acceptance, have depended on the nature of the issues at stake and the countries involved, and we need to understand these variations if we are to identify a more sustainable model for accommodating diversity. This paper will argue that the master narrative 1) mischaracterizes the nature of the experiments in multiculturalism that have been undertaken, 2) exaggerates the extent to which they have been abandoned, and 3) misidentifies the genuine difficulties and limitations they have encountered and the options for addressing these problems. 2 Multiculturalism: Success, Failure, and the Future MIGRATION POLICY INSTITUTE Before we can decide whether to celebrate or lament the fall of multiculturalism, we need first to make sure we know what multiculturalism has meant both in theory and in practice, where it has succeeded or failed to meet its objectives, and under what conditions it is likely to thrive in the future. The Rise and Fall of Multiculturalism The master narrative of the â€Å"rise and fall of multiculturalism† helpfully captures important features of our current debates. Yet in some respects it is misleading, and may obscure the real challenges and opportunities we face. In its simplest form, the master narrative goes like this:1 Since the mid-1990s we have seen a backlash and retreat from multiculturalism. From the 1970s to mid-1990s, there was a clear trend across Western democracies toward the increased recognition and accommodation of diversity through a range of multiculturalism policies (MCPs) and minority rights. These policies were endorsed both at the domestic level in some states and by international organizations, and involved a rejection of earlier ideas of unitary and homogeneous nationhood. Since the mid-1990s, however, we have seen a backlash and retreat from multiculturalism, and a reassertion of ideas of nation building, common values and identity, and unitary citizenship — even a call for the â€Å"return of assimilation. † This retreat is partly driven by fears among the majority group that the accommodation of diversity has â€Å"gone too far† and is threatening their way of life. This fear often expresses itself in the rise of nativist and populist right-wing political movements, such as the Danish People’s Party, defending old ideas of â€Å"Denmark for the Danish. † But the retreat also reflects a belief among the center-left that multiculturalism has failed to help the intended beneficiaries — namely, minorities themselves — because it has failed to address the underlying sources of their social, economic, and political exclusion and may have unintentionally contributed to their social isolation. As a result, even the center-left political movements that initially championed multiculturalism, such as the social democratic parties in Europe, have backed 1 For influential academic statements of this â€Å"rise and fall† narrative, claiming that it applies across the Western democracies, see Rogers Brubaker, â€Å"The Return of Assimilation? † Ethnic and Racial Studies 24, no. 4 (2001): 531–48; and Christian Joppke, â€Å"The Retreat of Multiculturalism in the Liberal State: Theory and Policy,† British Journal of Sociology 55, no. 2 (2004): 237–57. There are also many accounts of the â€Å"decline,† â€Å"retreat,† or â€Å"crisis† of multiculturalism in particular countries. For the Netherlands, see Han Entzinger, â€Å"The Rise and Fall of Multiculturalism in the Netherlands,† in Toward Assimilation and Citizenship: Immigrants in Liberal Nation-States, eds. Christian Joppke and Ewa Morawska (London: Palgrave, 2003) and Ruud Koopmans, â€Å"Trade-Offs between Equality and Difference: The Crisis of Dutch Multiculturalism in Cross-National Perspective† (Brief, Danish Institute for International Studies, Copenhagen, December 2006). For Britain, see Randall Hansen, â€Å"Diversity, Integration and the Turn from Multiculturalism in the United Kingdom,† in Belonging? Diversity, Recognition and Shared Citizenship in Canada, eds. Keith G. Banting, Thomas J. Courchene, and F. Leslie Seidle (Montreal: Institute for Research on Public Policy, 2007); Les Back, Michael Keith, Azra Khan, Kalbir Shukra, and John Solomos, â€Å"New Labour’s White Heart: Politics, Multiculturalism and the Return of Assimilation,† Political Quarterly 73, No. 4 (2002): 445–54; Steven Vertovec, â€Å"Towards post-multiculturalism? Changing communities, conditions and contexts of diversity,† International Social Science Journal 61 (2010): 83–95. For Australia, see Ien Ang and John Stratton, â€Å"Multiculturalism in Crisis: The New Politics of Race and National Identity in Australia,† in On Not Speaking Chinese: Living Between Asia and the West, ed. I. Ang (London: Routledge, 2001). For Canada, see Lloyd Wong, Joseph Garcea, and Anna Kirova, An Analysis of the ‘Anti- and Post-Multiculturalism’ Discourses: The Fragmentation Position (Alberta: Prairie Centre for Excellence in Research on Immigration and Integration, 2005), http://pmc. metropolis. net/Virtual%20Library/FinalReports/Post-multi%20FINAL%20REPORT%20for%20PCERII%20_2_. pdf. For a good overview of the backlash discourse in various countries, see Steven Vertovec and Susan Wessendorf, eds. , The Multiculturalism Backlash: European Discourses, Policies and Practices (London: Routledge, 2010). Multiculturalism: Success, Failure, and the Future 3 MIGRATION POLICY INSTITUTE away from it and shifted to a discourse that emphasizes â€Å"civic integration,† â€Å"social cohesion,† â€Å"common values,† and â€Å"shared citizenship. †2 The social-democratic discourse of civic integration differs from the radical-right discourse in emphasizing the need to develop a more inclusive national identity and to fight racism and discrimination, but it nonetheless distances itself from the rhetoric and policies of multiculturalism. The term postmulticulturalism has often been invoked to signal this new approach, which seeks to overcome the limits of a naive or misguided multiculturalism while avoiding the oppressive reassertion of homogenizing nationalist ideologies. 3 II. What Is Multiculturalism? A. Misleading Model In much of the post-multiculturalist literature, multiculturalism is characterized as a feel-good celebration of ethnocultural diversity, encouraging citizens to acknowledge and embrace the panoply of customs, traditions, music, and cuisine that exist in a multiethnic society. Yasmin Alibhai-Brown calls this the â€Å"3S† model of multiculturalism in Britain — saris, samosas, and steeldrums. 4 Multiculturalism takes these familiar cultural markers of ethnic groups — clothing, cuisine, and music — and treats them as authentic practices to be preserved by their members and safely consumed by others. Under the banner of multiculturalism they are taught in school, performed in festivals, displayed in media and museums, and so on. This celebratory model of multiculturalism has been the focus of many critiques, including the following: It ignores issues of economic and political inequality. Even if all Britons come to enjoy Jamaican steeldrum music or Indian samosas, this would do nothing to address the real problems facing Caribbean and South Asian communities in Britain — problems of unemployment, poor educational outcomes, residential segregation, poor English language skills, and political marginalization. These economic and political issues cannot be solved simply by celebrating cultural differences. Even with respect to the (legitimate) goal of promoting greater understanding of cultural differences, the focus on celebrating â€Å"authentic† cultural practices that are â€Å"unique† to each group is potentially dangerous. First, not all customs that may be traditionally practiced within a particular group are worthy of being celebrated, or even of being legally tolerated, such as forced marriage. To avoid stirring up controversy, there’s a tendency to choose as the focus of multicultural celebrations safely inoffensive practices — such as cuisine or music — that can be enjoyably consumed by members of the larger society. But this runs the opposite risk 2 For an overview of the attitudes of European social democratic parties to these issues, see Rene Cuperus, Karl Duffek, and Johannes Kandel, eds. , The Challenge of Diversity: European Social Democracy Facing Migration, Integration and Multiculturalism (Innsbruck: Studien Verlag, 2003). For references to â€Å"post-multiculturalism† by progressive intellectuals, who distinguish it from the radical right’s â€Å"antimulticulturalism,† see, regarding the United Kingdom, Yasmin Alibhai-Brown, After Multiculturalism (London: Foreign Policy Centre, 2000), and â€Å"Beyond Multiculturalism,† Canadian Diversity/Diversite Canadienne 3, no. 2 (2004): 51–4; regarding Australia, James Jupp, From White Australia to Woomera: The Story of Australian Immigration, 2nd edition (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007); and regarding the United States, Desmond King, The Liberty of Strangers: Making the American Nation (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004), and David A. Hollinger, Post-ethnic America: Beyond Multiculturalism, revised edition (New York: Basic Books, 2006). Alibhai-Brown, After Multiculturalism. 3 4 4 Multiculturalism: Success, Failure, and the Future MIGRATION POLICY INSTITUTE of the trivialization or Disneyfication of cultural differences,5 ignoring the real challenges that differences in cultural and religious values can raise. Third, the 3S model of multiculturalism can encourage a conception of groups as hermetically sealed and static, each reproducing its own distinct practices. Multiculturalism may be intended to encourage people to share their customs, but the assumption that each group has its own distinctive customs ignores processes of cultural adaptation, mixing, and melange, as well as emerging cultural commonalities, thereby potentially reinforcing perceptions of minorities as eternally â€Å"other. † This in turn can lead to the strengthening of prejudice and stereotyping, and more generally to the polarization of ethnic relations. Fourth, this model can end up reinforcing power inequalities and cultural restrictions within minority groups. In deciding which traditions are â€Å"authentic,† and how to interpret and display them, the state generally consults the traditional elites within the group — typically older males — while ignoring the way these traditional practices (and traditional elites) are often challenged by internal reformers, who have different views about how, say, a â€Å"good Muslim† should act. It can therefore imprison people in â€Å"cultural scripts† that they are not allowed to question or dispute. According to post-multiculturalists, the growing recognition of these flaws underlies the retreat from multiculturalism and signals the search for new models of citizenship that emphasize 1) political participation and economic opportunities over the symbolic politics of cultural recognition, 2) human rights and individual freedom over respect for cultural traditions, 3) the building of inclusive national identities over the recognition of ancestral cultural identities, and 4) cultural change and cultural mixing over the reification of static cultural differences. This narrative about the rise and fall of 3S multiculturalism will no doubt be familiar to many readers. In my view, however, it is inaccurate. Not only is it a caricature of the reality of multiculturalism as it has developed over the past 40 years in the Western democracies, but it is a distraction from the real issues that we need to face. The 3S model captures something important about natural human tendencies to simplify ethnic differences, and about the logic of global capitalism to sell cosmopolitan cultural products, but it does not capture the nature of post-1960s government MCPs, which have had more complex historical sources and political goals. B. Multiculturalism in Context It is important to put multiculturalism in its historical context. In one sense, it is as old as humanity — different cultures have always found ways of coexisting, and respect for diversity was a familiar feature of many historic empires, such as the Ottoman Empire. But the sort of multiculturalism that is said to have had a â€Å"rise and fall† is a more specific historic phenomenon, emerging first in the Western democracies in the late 1960s. This timing is important, for it helps us situate multiculturalism in relation to larger social transformations of the postwar era. More specifically, multiculturalism is part of a larger human-rights revolution involving ethnic and racial diversity. Prior to World War II, ethnocultural and religious diversity in the West was characterized by a range of illiberal and undemocratic relationships of hierarchy,6 justified by racialist ideologies that explicitly propounded the superiority of some peoples and cultures and their right to rule over others. These ideologies were widely accepted throughout the Western world and underpinned both domestic laws (e. g. , racially biased immigration and citizenship policies) and foreign policies (e. g. , in relation to overseas colonies). 5 6 Neil Bissoondath, Selling Illusions: The Cult of Multiculturalism in Canada (Toronto: Penguin, 1994). Including relations of conqueror and conquered, colonizer and colonized, master and slave, settler and indigenous, racialized and unmarked, normalized and deviant, orthodox and heretic, civilized and primitive, and ally and enemy. Multiculturalism: Success, Failure, and the Future 5 MIGRATION POLICY INSTITUTE After World War II, however, the world recoiled against Hitler’s fanatical and murderous use of such ideologies, and the United Nations decisively repudiated them in favor of a new ideology of the equality of races and peoples. And this new assumption of human equality generated a series of political movements designed to contest the lingering presence or enduring effects of older hierarchies. We can distinguish three â€Å"waves† of such movements: 1) the struggle for decolonization, concentrated in the period 1948–65; 2) the struggle against racial segregation and discrimination, initiated and exemplified by the AfricanAmerican civil-rights movement from 1955 to 1965; and 3) the struggle for multiculturalism and minority rights, which emerged in the late 1960s. Multiculturalism is part of a larger human-rights revolution involving ethnic and racial diversity. Each of these movements draws upon the human-rights revolution, and its foundational ideology of the equality of races and peoples, to challenge the legacies of earlier ethnic and racial hierarchies. Indeed, the human-rights revolution plays a double role here, not just as the inspiration for a struggle, but also as a constraint on the permissible goals and means of that struggle. Insofar as historically excluded or stigmatized groups struggle against earlier hierarchies in the name of equality, they too have to renounce their own traditions of exclusion or oppression in the treatment of, say, women, gays, people of mixed race, religious dissenters, and so on. Human rights, and liberal-democratic constitutionalism more generally, provide the overarching framework within which these struggles are debated and addressed. Each of these movements, therefore, can be seen as contributing to a process of democratic â€Å"citizenization† — that is, turning the earlier catalog of hierarchical relations into relationships of liberaldemocratic citizenship. This entails transforming both the vertical relationships between minorities and the state and the horizontal relationships among the members of different groups. In the past, it was often assumed that the only way to engage in this process of citizenization was to impose a single undifferentiated model of citizenship on all individuals. But the ideas and policies of multiculturalism that emerged from the 1960s start from the assumption that this complex history inevitably and appropriately generates group-differentiated ethnopolitical claims. The key to citizenization is not to suppress these differential claims but to filter them through and frame them within the language of human rights, civil liberties, and democratic accountability. And this is what multiculturalist movements have aimed to do. The precise character of the resulting multicultural reforms varies from group to group, as befits the distinctive history that each has faced. They all start from the antidiscrimination principle that underpinned the second wave but go beyond it to challenge other forms of exclusion or stigmatization. In most Western countries, explicit state-sponsored discrimination against ethnic, racial, or religious minorities had largely ceased by the 1960s and 1970s, under the influence of the second wave of humanrights struggles. Yet ethnic and racial hierarchies persist in many societies, whether measured in terms of economic inequalities, political underrepresentation, social stigmatization, or cultural invisibility. Various forms of multiculturalism have been developed to help overcome these lingering inequalities. The focus in this report is on multiculturalism as it pertains to (permanently settled) immigrant groups,7 7 There was briefly in some European countries a form of â€Å"multiculturalism† that was not aimed at the inclusion of permanent immigrants, but rather at ensuring that temporary migrants would return to their country of origin. For example, mothertongue education in Germany was not initially introduced â€Å"as a minority right but in order to enable guest worker children to reintegrate in their countries of origin† (Karen Schonwalder, â€Å"Germany: Integration Policy and Pluralism in a Self-Conscious Country of Immigration,† in The Multiculturalism Backlash: European Discourses, Policies and Practices, eds. Steven Vertovec and Susanne Wessendorf [London: Routledge, 2010], 160). Needless to say, this sort of â€Å"returnist† multiculturalism — premised on the idea that migrants are foreigners who should return to their real home — has nothing to do with multiculturalism policies (MCPs) premised on the idea that immigrants belong in their host countries, and which aim to make immigrants 6 Multiculturalism: Success, Failure, and the Future MIGRATION POLICY INSTITUTE but it is worth noting that struggles for multicultural citizenship have also emerged in relation to historic minorities and indigenous peoples. 8 C. The Evolution of Multiculturalism Policies The case of immigrant multiculturalism is just one aspect of a larger â€Å"ethnic revival† across the Western democracies,9 in which different types of minorities have struggled for new forms of multicultural citizenship that combine both antidiscrimination measures and positive forms of recognition and accommodation. Multicultural citizenship for immigrant groups clearly does not involve the same types of claims as for indigenous peoples or national minorities: immigrant groups do not typically seek land rights, territorial autonomy, or official language status. What then is the substance of multicultural citizenship in relation to immigrant groups? The Multiculturalism Policy Index is one attempt to measure the evolution of MCPs in a standardized format that enables comparative research. 10 The index takes the following eight policies as the most common or emblematic forms of immigrant MCPs:11 Constitutional, legislative, or parliamentary affirmation of multiculturalism, at the central and/ or regional and municipal levels The adoption of multiculturalism in school curricula The inclusion of ethnic representation/sensitivity in the mandate of public media or media licensing Exemptions from dress codes, either by statute or by court cases Allowing of dual citizenship The funding of ethnic group organizations to support cultural activities The funding of bilingual education or mother-tongue instruction Affirmative action for disadvantaged immigrant groups12 feel more at home where they are. The focus of this paper is on the latter type of multiculturalism, which is centrally concerned with constructing new relations of citizenship. 8 In relation to indigenous peoples, for example — such as the Maori in New Zealand, Aboriginal peoples in Canada and Australia, American Indians, the Sami in Scandinavia, and the Inuit of Greenland — new models of multicultural citizenship have emerged since the late 1960s that include policies such as land rights, self-government rights, recognition of customary laws, and guarantees of political consultation. And in relation to substate national groups — such as the Basques and Catalans in Spain, Flemish and Walloons in Belgium, Scots and Welsh in Britain, Quebecois in Canada, Germans in South Tyrol, Swedish in Finland — we see new models of multicultural citizenship that include policies such as federal or quasi-federal territorial autonomy; official language status, either in the region or nationally; and guarantees of representation in the central government or on constitutional courts. 9 Anthony Smith, The Ethnic Revival in the Modern World (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1981). 10 Keith Banting and I developed this index, first published in Keith Banting and Will Kymlicka, eds. , Multiculturalism and the Welfare State: Recognition and Redistribution in Contemporary Democracies (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006). Many of the ideas discussed in this paper are the result of our collaboration. 11 As with all cross-national indices, there is a trade-off between standardization and sensitivity to local nuances. There is no universally accepted definition of multiculturalism policies and no hard and fast line that would sharply distinguish MCPs from closely related policy fields, such as antidis

Monday, November 25, 2019

Learn About STP in Chemistry

Learn About STP in Chemistry STP in chemistry is the abbreviation for Standard Temperature and Pressure. STP most commonly is used when performing calculations on gases, such as gas density. The standard temperature is 273 K (0 ° Celsius or 32 ° Fahrenheit) and the standard pressure is 1 atm pressure. This is the freezing point of pure water at sea level atmospheric pressure. At STP, one mole of gas occupies 22.4 L of volume (molar volume). Note the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) applies a more stringent standard of STP as  a temperature of 273.15 K (0  °C, 32  °F) and an absolute pressure of exactly 100,000 Pa (1 bar, 14.5 psi, 0.98692 atm). This is a change from their earlier standard (changed in 1982) of  0  °C and 101.325 kPa (1 atm). Key Takeaways: STP or Standard Temperature and Pressure STP is the abbreviation for Standard Temperature and Pressure. However, the standard is defined differently by various groups.STP values are most often cited for gases because their characteristics change dramatically with temperature and pressure.One common definition of STP is a temperature of 273 K  (0 ° Celsius or 32 ° Fahrenheit) and the standard pressure of 1 atm. Under these conditions, one mole of a gas occupies 22.4 L.Because the standard varies by industry, its good practice to state temperature and pressure conditions for measurements and not just say STP. Uses of STP Standard reference conditions are important for expressions of fluid flow rate and the volumes of liquids and gases, which are highly dependent on temperature and pressure. STP commonly is used when standard state conditions are applied to calculations. Standard state conditions, which include standard temperature and pressure, may be recognized in calculations by the superscript circle. For example, ΔS ° refers to the change in entropy at STP. Other Forms of STP Because laboratory conditions rarely involve STP, a common standard is standard ambient temperature and pressure or SATP, which is  a temperature of 298.15 K (25  °C, 77  °F) and an absolute pressure of exactly 1 atm (101,325 Pa, 1.01325 bar). The International Standard Atmosphere or ISA and the U.S. Standard Atmosphere are standards used in the fields of fluid dynamics and aeronautics to specify temperature, pressure, density, and the speed of sound for a range of altitudes at the mid-latitudes. The two sets of standards are the same at altitudes up to 65,000 feet above sea level. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)  uses a temperature of 20  °C (293.15 K, 68  °F) and an absolute pressure of 101.325 kPa (14.696 psi, 1 atm) for STP. The Russian  State Standard GOST 2939-63 uses the standard conditions of 20  °C (293.15 K), 760 mmHg (101325 N/m2) and zero humidity.  The International Standard Metric Conditions for natural gas are 288.15 K (15.00  °C; 59.00  °F) and 101.325 kPa. The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) both set their own standards, too. Correct Use of the Term STP Even though STP is defined, you can see the precise definition depends on the committee that set the standard! Therefore, rather than citing a measurement as performed at STP or standard conditions, its always best to explicitly state the temperature and pressure reference conditions. This avoids confusion. In addition, it is important to state the temperature and pressure for the molar volume of a gas, rather than citing STP as the conditions. When calculated molar volume, one should state whether the calculation used the ideal gas constant R or the specific gas constant Rs. The two constants are related where Rs R / m, where m is the molecular mass of a gas. Although STP is most commonly applied to gases, many scientists try to perform experiments at STP to SATP to make it easier to replicate them without introducing variables. Its good lab practice to always state the temperature and pressure or to at least record them in case they turn out to be important. Sources Doiron, Ted (2007). 20  °C – A Short History of the Standard Reference Temperature for Industrial Dimensional Measurements. National Institute of Standards and Technology. Journal of Research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology.McNaught, A. D.; Wilkinson, A. (1997). Compendium of Chemical Terminology, The Gold Book (2nd ed.). Blackwell Science. ISBN 0-86542-684-8.Natural gas – Standard reference conditions (ISO 13443). Geneva, Switzerland: International Organization for Standardization. 1996.Weast, Robert C. (Editor) (1975). Handbook of Physics and Chemistry (56th ed.). CRC Press. pp. F201–F206. ISBN 0-87819-455-X.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Manager should adapt their leadership style according to the context Essay

Manager should adapt their leadership style according to the context - Essay Example Going by the disparate nature and temperament of different people, a manager could come across a variety of situations that may demand much ingenuity and creativity. The primary objective of any manager is to coordinate the activities and aspirations of people with disparate nature and temperaments in a way that they work together as a team towards the achievement of important organizational goals. Hence, it is important for the managers to adapt their leadership style according to the context, as a rigid and stiff leadership approach may fail to yield results under diverse circumstances. In fact, a context driven approach towards leadership brings in the possibility of incorporating new dimensions in the area of leadership and tends to come down on the belief that leaders are born and not made. It is a fact that managers working in private or public organizations do comes across a range of issues and problems on a daily basis. Many a times it gets really challenging to make decisions in situations that are open to diverse influences and interests (Kong 2014). Making the right decision under such circumstances requires much balance and patience. Actually, it is such situations that defy the regular leadership approaches that tend to test the actual worth and effectiveness of a manager. Under such circumstances the really effective managers are those that have the ability to grasp the actual context of a situation and are able to make a decision as to which leadership style will be appropriate in a specific situation. Leadership is about the capacity for variation and adaptability and those managers that believe that one leadership style or approach fits all simply could not be expected to perform well and successfully (Kong 2014). Hence an effective manager does need to have the skill and the capacity to adapt one’s leadership style to the context under consideration and the

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

History of the third world Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

History of the third world - Essay Example And a major part of the third world nation doesn't agree western nations intervening In the ruling matters of the developing countries also the third world countries are inclined to spend its nations income in war and ammunition because of which could not progress in the way of they are to be and for all this the reason are the western countries which support and help the rival nations what they earn. They are already developed nations and instead of giving a helping hand to under developing nations if they raise objections it is nothing but they are not progress loving and peace loving nations. Also when the super powerful nations are struck by natural calamities they received a financial aid from the third world nations. They need something to learn from. How can the progress of third world bear equality to their leave. The contemporary third world that exists along with the developed and underdeveloped countries is an experience to all the countries what the third world has experienced is never experienced by the developed countries. The pain and agony through which the third world has experienced has become the eye opening. The primary reasons for such experiences are the developed countries, which used to exploit underdeveloped countries in every possible manner. ... These countries slowly emerging from the clutches of the slavery and the bonded labor have become internally strong, independent and with rich cultural heritage. This glorious journey is a result of centuries of struggle for independency. The global changes like World War I and World War II were truly influencing the third world countries to reclaim their national sovereignty. The slump in the financial position of the ruling countries because of the two world wars Lead them in slowly started slowly backing off men and military from each country. Apart from that during their regime in two countries the bounded labor and slavery slowly revolutionized and started opposing and revolting against the colonial rule. After decades and decades of struggle and fight for independence was finally achieved. But along with independence there were umpteen numbers of responsibilities. There are not only responsibilities but also new challenges to foresee with. Tackling poverty, diseases, insufficient, funds, armed forces, foreign affairs, internal issues etc. William J brought many heart wrenching facts to light. Most of the facts point out the inept handling by the American nation into its foreign affairs and relief work offered. The capitalistic nature of behavior is clearly seen the way they handle their foreign counter parts. The gruesome incident reported by William J. in the detention centers of American relief operations has put the readers to shock. The manner in which the incidents were reported brought severe criticisms from all walks of the society. The ugly American since when it is published has become a rage and it also made the President Eisenhower to put a committee and order a probe into the dealings of the foreign affairs. The author tried his

Monday, November 18, 2019

Property Law - Formal Legal Advice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Property Law - Formal Legal Advice - Essay Example THE FACTS 2. The basic facts appear as outlined. 3. Leo has drafted a will that expresses his intentions. The draft will contain several clauses. 4. In the first clause he offers income from his building society shares to be for Ben as long as he lives. The main issue in this clause is the gifts that Leo gives to Ben. The income from Leo’s building shares will be given to Ben as long as he lives. An issue may arise in the transferability of such shares.1 5. He gives reasonable income to Kasim from the rent on his blue chip shares for as long as he shall live. The main issue in this clause is the ascertainment of â€Å"reasonable income†. As an executor and trustee, Kasim can also be a beneficiary as law does not prohibit executors and trustees from being beneficiaries. Also, it is important that Leo specifies the shares rather than simply saying blue chip shares.2 6. He gives one of his two dogs to Ben and the other to Toby. The main concern will arise if Ben dies befor e choosing because he is required to choose first, as this will result to uncertainty of subject matter. Ben is an executor and trustee, and he can be a beneficiary as well.3 7. Leo offers a bulk of his residuary estate to Sonya and Adaeze. The main issue here is lack of sufficient certainty. The actual size should be provided and the mode and ratio of splitting between Sonya and Adaeze determined in advance.4 8. He offers ?70,000 for the erection of a suitable monument to himself at the university. An issue may arise as to whether the monument is considered as part of the fabric of the university, as well as whether it involves maintenance of the university yard.5 9. He has offered ?50,000 to be invested by his trustees and the interest used to maintain the monument. The main issue in this clause is whether the erection of monument has been considered as part of the university fabric the first place. If it has the trust for the maintenance should not offend the rules against perpet uities. 10. Leo gives ?10,000 to the purposes of promoting the use of a new alphabet to simplify the English language. The main issue in this clause is whether this gift is considered a charitable purpose for education.6 11. He has offered ?100,000 to promote the freedom of small newspapers to compete with large media companies. The main issue is whether the beneficiaries are ascertainable. The intended beneficiaries (small newspapers) should be made more precise because such newspapers may be so many. 12. He has given ?19,000 for the welfare of his grey parrot and tortoise for as long as they shall live. Since this clause provides for the welfare of his animal, the only issue that can arise is that of execution of the wish in regards to the perpetuities period on animals. 13. He has offered ?5,000 for the purposes of anti-vivisection campaigns. The main issue is that the gift achieves the charitable trusts threshold. Such a gift is considered as other charitable purposes that seek to promote the welfare of animals.7 14. Leo has given ?500,000 for a sports field for the recreation of employees of Canterbury Christ Church University and any other people his trustees see fit to include. An issue might arise concerning the purpose of the gift rather than the beneficiary. The consideration of whether the gift is a charity or not will depend on the determination of whether it benefits the public or a significant section of the public.8 15. He has offered ?1,000,000 for

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The Theme Of Power English Literature Essay

The Theme Of Power English Literature Essay In both Like Water for Chocolate (LWC) by Laura Esquivel and A Woman at Point Zero (WPZ) by Nawal El Saadawi, the author shapes the readers opinion on the theme of power. The theme power is presented in both of the books protagonists, Mami Elena and Firdaus. Both characters show significant feminine power throughout the book as vigorous and bold characters. Mami Elenas power is expressed through the actions she inflicts on her daughters and the capability to control each of their fates. Firdauss power is portrayed as a prostitute; using her status to manipulate mens desire to her own advantage. Woman at point zero narrates the story of Firdaus, an Eqyptian female of the 20th century, born and raised within the misery of lower class and chauvinist Muslim society. For Firdaus her mindset of power is simple: men have power and women do not. By birth, I was lower classà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ My Fatherà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. Knew very few things in lifeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦How to exchange his virgin daughter for a dowry when there was still timeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦How to bend over the headmans hand and pretend to kiss it, how to beat his wife and make her bite dust each nightà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.  [2]  El Saadawi describes Firdaus as a powerless character since birth, described as being lower class; and also a description of power represented by her father beating her mother. Because of her misfortunate cultural position, the character is persecuted by sexual harassment and constrained submission to male desire. As a result, female suffering and oppression is clearly identified by the reader throughout t he novel. Thus creating Firdaus, a prestigious prostitute, whose interaction with society is confined within the basis of male persecution, acquiring power over them. Such an appalling vision of the male gender is generated by concurring experiences of obnoxious masculine behavior. Accordingly, man is intentionally portrayed by the author as grotesque and gruesome. The phrase like water for chocolate comes from the Spanish como agua para chocolate.  [3]  This phrase is a common expression in Spanish speaking countries and was the inspiration for Laura Esquivels novel title (the name has a double-meaning). In some Latin American countries, such as Mexico, hot chocolate is made not with milk, but with water instead. Water is boiled and chunks of milk chocolate are dropped in to melt. The saying like water for chocolate, alludes to this fact and also to the common use of the expression as a metaphor for describing a state of passion or sexual arousal. In some parts of Latin America, the saying is also equivalent to being boiling mad in anger. Laura Esquivel creates Mama Elena the tyrannical, widowed matriarch of the De La Garza clan revolves around the subjugation of her daughters. Her fierce dominion over her three daughters inspires fear within all of them. All my life I have been searching for something that would fill me with pride, make me feel superior to everyone else, including kings, princes and rulers  [4]  This quote refers to how Firdaus discovers how vulnerable men are when a prostitute refuses to sleep with them. With the status of prostitution she is overwhelmed with power and feels in complete control. Men will explode in fear and offer larger sums of money simply because they feel as if they are losing their power over women; however they do not realize it is the prostitute gaining power. When she possesses money of her own, she has power over people who slander her, and can give herself a respectable name. Her mindset was only changed until she met a high class prostitute named Sharifa. Sharifa is portrayed as a wealthy high class prostitute who manipulates mens desire for sex to her own advantage. She acts as a teacher to Firdaus, teaching her how to use her physical appearances as a tool to attract men. This is whe re her power had originated from; the teaching from Sharifa. Soon after she notices Sharifa treats her as a tool, she runs away to be an independent prostitute and applies to skills she had obtained. As Sharifa states; She is free to do what she wants, and free not to do it.  [5]  Firdaus is able to do anything she wants, after being handed tips, and lessons by Sharifa she is able to take her prostitution status to a whole new level. The method Mama Elena uses to gain control over her daughters is by using violence and cruelty against them, whether psychological or physical . Obey your Mommy and Dadd.  [6]  This quote refers to how the daughters of Mama Elena have no choice but to obey Mama Elena, since their father had passed away before. Mama Elena already starts with power unlike Firdaus who has slowly to gain her power. If she couldnt marry, was she at least allowed to experience love? Or not even that?  [7]  Tita being the youngest daughter of hers is unable to marry or have children because of the ridiculous tradition. Whatever signs of love Mama Elena sensed inside of Tita she would try to disrupt and sabotage. This root of her evil is from her previous lover who had left her, if she senses one of her daughters loving someone else she will feel overpowered and powerless. After Tita meets Pedro Mama Elena sees his affection for Tita so she conjures a plot against Tita; thus introducing Rosaura to Pe dro. Soon after Pedro decides to marry Rosaura to get closer to Tita because he realizes her fate is sealed. Tita does not know of Pedros intentions and is mentally hurt by losing her only chance of gaining true love. She suffers harshly and spends a lot of her time weeping about this incident. If Mama Elena suspects the slightest idea that Tita has no fulfilled her duties, such as when she is suspected of messing up the sewing on the wedding present, or the poison put inside the wedding cake, she physically abuses her. She is beaten harshly and is always left with scars, bruises and injuries: this teaches the daughters that not to make the same mistake again and displays the extreme power Mama Elena holds over them. When Tita attempts to blames Mami Elena for Robertos death she picks up a wooden spoon and breaks Titas nose leaving her no medical care and to slowly endure the pain. Mama Elena was merciless, killing with a single blow. But then again, not always. For Tita she had mad e an exception; she had been killing her a little at a time since she was a child, and she still hadnt finished her off.  [8]   Nacha! Dont say that. As my youngest daughter, Tita will care for me until the day I die. She wont marry.  [9]  The reason for her absurd vision of Duty and Responsibility is so that Mami Elena is able to gain full control over her daughters and not lose power. Eventually when Rosaura gives birth to Espranza Rosaura imposes the same fate on her daughter. Esquivel introduces the baby to show that even though Mami Elena had died Rosaura had still kept to the tradition even after all the treacherous things she had inflicted upon Rosaura. It shows how Mami Elena had polluted the mind of Rosaura and how her power even though she was dead overruled Rosauras self conscience I now knew that all of us were prostitutes who sold themselves at varying prices, and that an expensive prostitute was better than a cheap one.  [10]  As a prostitute Firdaus uses her power to command higher and higher prices simply by denying men of their wants. She was able to control the prices for her service showing her power over men. Men would crave for her; Firdaus would use this to her advantage to make them suffer. As she becomes powerful and notorious as prostitute money starts piling in for her. She gets this mind sense that as you have more money you also get more powerful which she had learnt from Sharifa. When the pimp comes into the picture, Firdaus sees him as a threat blocking her uprising. The pimp threatens to defame her or kill her, proving that no matter how much she had, Firdaus was still vulnerable to men because she had something to lose. Both Esquivel and El Saadawi present the theme of power effectively through the characters, Mama Elena and Firdaus using a variety of techniques. Like water for chocolate and Woman at point zero, with its blatantly sexist narrator are two novels written by two different female writers in totally different cultural circumstances; Esquivel being raised in Mexico, and El Saadawi being raised in Egypt. The reader therefore inevitably obtains a different level of insight of the protagonists however the theme of power still conforms with similarities between them. However no one can deny that both texts provide a fascinating view of the complexities and confusions of power. By Timothy Lui

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Emory Douglas: All Power to the People Essay -- Artists

Gun-slinging, militant-looking, irate adolescent African American men, women, and children: an incessant image employed by the revolutionary artist Emory Douglas. Douglas is perhaps one of the most iconic artists’ of the 20th century and has created thousands of influential protest images that remain unforgettable to this day. Through the use of compelling images Emory Douglas aided in defining the distinct visual aesthetic of the Black Panther Party’s newspapers, pamphlets, and posters. It was through such mediums that Douglas had the ability to enlighten and provoke a predominately illiterate and uneducated community via visual communication, illustrating that art can evolve into an overpowering device to precipitate social and political change. Emory Douglas was born and raised in Grand Rapids, Michigan, until 1951 when he and his mother relocated to the San Francisco Bay Area. At the time San Francisco was the hub of African American organizations that arranged events aimed at overthrowing the social injustices within the Bay Area’s black communities. As a minor immersed within the community Douglas became captivated by Charles Wilbert White, an African American social realist artist whom created various monochrome sketches and paintings, â€Å"transforming American scenes into iconic modernist narratives.† Not long after, Douglas was incarcerated at the Youth Training School in Ontario, California where he spent countless hours working in the penitentiary’s printery. It was not until the mid-1960’s when Douglas registered in the City College of San Francisco, majoring in commercial art and graphic design. Soon after, Douglas went to a Black Panthers rally, where he encountered Bob by Seale and Huey Newton; during ... ...ion. Tucson, AZ: John Brown Party, 1971, 1-2 Gaiter, Colette. â€Å"VISUALIZING A REVOLUTION: EMORY DOUGLAS AND THE BLACK PANTHER NEWSPAPER.† AIGA. 8 June 2005. (accessed Mar. 9, 2012). Moyer, Carrie. â€Å"Minister of Culture: the Revolutionary Art of Emory Douglas.† Modern Painters 19, no.9 (2007): Art Full Text (H.W. Wilson), EBSCOhost (Apr. 11, 2012). Ross, Alice. â€Å"Emory Douglas - Interview.† Digital Arts. 26 Jan. 2009. (accessed Mar. 8, 2012), 2 Stewart, Sean. On the Ground: An Illustrated Anecdotal History of the Sixties Underground Press in the U.S.. Oakland, CA: PM Press, 2011, 28 Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., s.v. â€Å"Emory Douglas.† (accessed March. 7, 2012).

Monday, November 11, 2019

Appropriate Classroom Behavior for Young Children Essay

Planning an effective classroom environment includes structuring the physical arrangement of the classroom to increase appropriate behaviors, such as engagement, and decrease the probability of challenging behaviors. There are different strategies for structuring the physical classroom include: arranging the classroom to ensure visual monitoring of children, arranging activity centers to support children’s appropriate behaviors (e.g., limiting the number of children in a center) and facilitating smooth transitions among activities (e.g., organizing The location of materials on shelves), and arranging materials in the classroom to promote engagement, mastery, and independence (Lawry, J., Danko, C., & Strain, P. (1999). When a child’s independence is increased, it builds their confidence and is this is less likely to create challenging behavior. Children like certainty! When teachers begin to create the daily schedule of the classroom, they should consider different factors. For example, going over numbers, alphabets, or even reviewing the story for the day should most likely be done in the morning rather than the afternoon because children are more alert then. Children need to learn how to work and cooperate with one another. Aggressive behavior can be seen in the way in which some children express their anger or frustration over a situation (Gable, R. A. 2004). However, it is not acceptable classroom behavior. Children need to understand that using words instead of actions is the more effective way of communicating their feelings. When children become aggressive it’s usually because they struggle socially. Contributing Factors The fact that Ron was moved from one classroom environment to another played a major part on his challenging behavior. Unexpected change in routine for children can cause a child to act out and become defiant. When students know what routine to expect, they are more likely to feel that they are in control of their environment which reduces misbehavior in the classroom (Brown, W.H., Odom, S.L., & Conroy, M.A. 2001). Another thing that contributed in Ron’s challenging behavior is his short attention span. Having short attention span can come from various of things such as the child’s desk placed where there’s heavy activity going on in the classroom or ADHD. Strategies To address Ron’s behavior, I will first implement classroom rules and procedures. I will go back to the beginning of the school year and follow those same procedures as I did with the other students and share them with Ron as well. The second thing is that I will place Ron where there is less distraction going on to keep him focused and from distraction. By doing this, I will decrease his chance of misbehaving. If he has nothing around to distract him, he’s more than likely to pay attention to what’s going on at his desk or on the carpet. References Lawry, J., Danko, C., & Strain, P. (1999). Examining The role of the classroom environment in the prevention of problem behaviors Gable, R. A. (2004). School-wide positive discipline. Richmond, VA: Virginia Department of Education Brown, W.H., Odom, S.L., & Conroy, M.A. (2001). An intervention hierarchy for promoting preschool children’s peer interactions in natural environments. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education, 21, 90 – 134

Friday, November 8, 2019

Poor Oral Hygiene essays

Poor Oral Hygiene essays Proper care for ones mouth must be maintained to prevent the upsurge and spread of several negative health factors. The warm moist environment provided by ones oral cavity provides perfect breading grounds for disease and bacteria. This build-up can lead to anything as severe as bad breath or even to ultimate disease and death. Proper care of the mouth and ones oral cavity is often something that is ignored by populations and can therefore brute to be a source of problem. Often times rural individuals lack the proper education and facilities to provide the correct oral hygiene needed. Oral hygiene must constantly be addressed by individuals of all populations. Dental professionals have long promoted the idea that prevention is the best medicine. Individuals must be trained to accept maintenance of the mouth as part of the overall oral health program. Education is the key to getting widespread acceptance of using preventative medicine when it comes to caring for ones mouth. This education must begin in the school systems by teaching young children how to care for their teeth. Young children could even be rewarded at a young age for correctly brushing their teeth. This education must not stop with the children, but must then be carried on to the adults and implemented in everyday lifestyles. All populations must understand that care for ones oral cavity is crucial to over positive health of an individual. Once individuals have been educated on how to care for their teeth it is the responsibility of the individual to make appointments to regularly have checkups with their dentist. It is then the dentists responsibility to carry on the process of education by continuing to support proper oral hygiene. Often times poor oral hygiene begins when individuals feel that they are unable to visit their dentist. Financial matters may prevent families from making regular checkups to their...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

How to make domestic production more competive essays

How to make domestic production more competive essays How to make domestic production more competive There are many ways to improve domestic competitivity. In this article, we'll focus on fiscal measures: 1: more duties or taxes on importations from foreign nations: it's basic and can be efficient if used carefully, and if you improve the structure of your domestic production at the same time. Yet, WTO bans such taxes. 2: have a weak currency, so that foreign products seem to be very expensive to the local population. As the first solution, it can be efficient if used carefully: DEMONETIZE vital importations (for example, if you have no copper and product a lot of milk, sign a contract with a country producing a lot of copper and needing milk). This demonetization makes sure local population will not suffer from weak national currency. How to weaken national currency Many possibilities: the best one (for the state), is to emit currency progressively and to use this money to build public infrastructures and a social security system, the best one (for the banks) is to liberalize and make credit easy by very low central bank rates. 3. more subtle : suppose VAT is 20% and social charges 25%: a foreign product enters the country at the price of100$: it will be sold 120$ (20% VAT), whereas a less competitive domestic product, whose production's cost is 110 (=35$ raw materials+60$ salary +60*0.25 social charges), will be sold 110*1.2 = 132$, 10% more than foreign product. Now suppose the state suppresses all social charges 0% , and at the same time, to balance its payments, change VAT from 20% to 30%. Imported product price becomes 130 $, whereas local product's price becomes (35+65)*1.3 = 123,5 $ Local production become more competitiveby using at the same time VAT/social charges. One may point out that a rise of prices occurs: the less expensive product is 120 $ in the first case (foreign product), whereas it is 123.5 $ in the second case (domestic product). This 3% rise i...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Wingtip Toys Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Wingtip Toys - Assignment Example Thus, the notion of keeping in touch with all the hardware and software changes all around the globe are the leading driving factors to organizations maintaining their day-to-day updates on Information Technology. One of the major software advancements that go hand in hand with changes in network configurations of several organizations is the Windows Server (Stair & Reynolds, 2012). Windows Server, a server-based operating system provided by the Microsoft Corporation. It offers a significant number of useful services to its targeted users. Among the major uses of Windows Server is the general feature of providing users with a front end where they can perform their daily activities as regards application management and surfing the Internet (Stair & Reynolds, 2012). Furthermore, Windows provides the capability for users to play games or make controls on online applications that are based on other servers usually over the satellite. Over the last few decades, Windows Server 2003 was the most widely used in performing the aforementioned activities all around the globe.... The new one usually focuses on solving major problems that exist in the earlier versions. On the basis of the advancements in features and capabilities in Windows Server 8 Wingtip Toys aims to take a thorough analysis of the Strengths, Weaknesses, and Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) that form the fundamental aspects of this System software. For any network administrator, SWOT analysis of a new hardware or software acts as the focal point to determining the capability of the new feature to meet the expected network security standards in an organization and as per the globally accepted characteristic of a safe networking environment (Dulaney, 2011). As mentioned earlier, Windows Server 2008 is system software of which it will be expected to aid in smoothening the networking activities that go around in Wingtip Toys business organizations and specifically in its need to be connected over satellite based network servers. Thus, the notion of performing a thorough SWOT analysis by a netwo rk administrator is driven solely by the urge of maintaining a secure network environment for the organization (Dulaney, 2011). The (SWOT) Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats analysis is basically built on the idea of figuring out whether or not Windows Server 2008 is more feasible compared to Windows Server 2003. It is basically clear that since Wingtip Toys greatly makes use of the internet in the performance of daily activities, then network security is at the forefront in enhancing security of the hardware devices and Software applications that are used by its clients (Dulaney, 2011). Windows Server 2008 comes in as an upgrade to

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Marine Debris in the Hawaiian coast Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Marine Debris in the Hawaiian coast - Essay Example Solid material found in the marine environment is called marine debris. The common misconception is that it involves just a few pieces of harmless rubbish scattered along the shores of the ocean. Plastics are the most common types of marine debris with at least two hundred and sixty seven species having suffered from either ingest5ion or entanglement with these items. 5the scale of contamination is quite high with many attempts to address the issue including legislations and campaigns. There are various sources of marine debris all of which are categorized into four. First is tourist related litters that include beach toys, beverage packaging and cigarettes. The second category is sewage related debris including water from storm drains and water overflow from discharge waste during rainfall. Then there is fish related debris including fish pots, fishing lines and strapping bands from bait traps that are either lost in commercial fishing or dumped deliberately. The last category is waste from ships and boats that are mostly deliberately dumped (Laws, 2000:62). Marine debris washes up almost on a daily basis on the Hawaiian shores. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is the collection area of marine debris from the Pacific Ocean covering an area twice the size of USA. Currents, winds, and waves bring the debris to the Hawaiian island of Hawai`i, Kauai, Oahu, Kahoolawe, Lanai, Niihau, Molokai, and Maui as well as the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. Most of this debris is plastic hence do not biodegrade. Although plastic later photo degrades, the process creates smaller particles that form smaller particles of plastic, which pose potential harm to marine life (Andrady, 2003:241). Harm to marine life The harm to marine life is twofold through either entanglement or ingestion and other miscellaneous factors. Ingestion Marine debris poses so much harm on the marine environment. Researchers found that 100% of albatrosses feed their chicks plastic. The adult